Divine Feminine Masters


Embodying Your Divine Love

Remembering Your Ancient Knowing and
 Opening to Your Multidimensional Nature

20-25 May 2024
 Mykonos and Delos, Greece

You will come back
to your sacred place,
and bring the light
that you have been hiding within.

“We gather together again to remember the light within, pure consciousness that we held and nurtured here in the ancient times.

We stored it in this sacred place, so we could come back one day and receive the gift of light into our bodies, remember the sacred knowledge of our souls, and integrate the Divine Feminine.”

Warmly welcome to our divine feminine masters retreat on the magical Greek islands! 

The program includes:
5 days retreat on Mykonos and Delos from 20 to 25 May 2024
4 online group sessions (two before and two after our time together; first online session will be in the first week of May)

Your sacred inner journey will be lovingly facilitated by Aniya Romana Ercegović and supported by Leony Sparrow. 

This will be a deep transformative journey of opening to your feminine essence, exploring your multidimensional nature and remembering your pure connection with divinity from ancient times.

This gathering is for women who feel a connection to ancient Greek temples, or who feel a call to discover this connection.  

I am Aniya Romana and I am so honored and full of joy that I will guide this amazing experience, and with the loving support of Leony create a safe space for your opening to your divinity. 

Facilitating divine feminine initiations, retreats and woman's circles has been my love and calling for many years, as well as visiting Greek sacred sites and discovering ancient mysteries of initiation into divine realms, and multidimensional schools of sacred feminine. Memories have been coming back to me, and also messages through poetry.

I visited Mykonos several times, and visions of a circle of priestesses of the goddess Isis have often been coming to me. Last year, as I was getting ready for my late summer trip to Mykonos and Delos, I had a vision that I would create a retreat to gather a circle of ancient priestesses to reclaim and integrate our own Divine Love. 

Delos is... I perceive it as a sacred multidimensional portal that has been severely abused throughout history. Some of us can remember the traumatic feeling of losing our connection with the divine, but its light is coming back to us and our painful memories are integrating. 

Also, some parts of us might still be in devoted service in the ancient temples, and it is time to invite them home and show them a new way of serving humanity by becoming whole, by shining our own light and embodying our own divinity, receiving our divine love for us.

Gaia will be with us. She is always cocreating experiences with me, showing me her crystalline qualities and her power of life, and the primordial wisdom from the depths of life and the rhythm of her heart. I can feel her love when I immerse into nature in a sacred and sensual way.

In this retreat I will not teach you anything, for you already have your own knowledge within you.

I will simply facilitate a process where, together, we will initiate a sacred and safe space and create an experience of opening to the pure consciousness where your own soul will reveal the wisdom that she has ready for you.

I invite you to the temple,
the real one,
Into the sanctuary without holy images and statues,
without incense and rules.

There is only You.
Illuminated from within

by your divine love,
peaceful, smiling.

What you can experience

  • Profound rejuvenation and a new sense of lightness
  • Remembering Your Ancient Knowing
  • Opening to Your Multidimensional Nature
  • Deeper connection with your Soul
  • Opening to a new level of self-love and freedom
  • Learning to more efficiently balance your divine and human in everyday life and maintain your creative flow, even in the gravity of mass-consciousness
  • Freeing yourself from old ancient wounds, and allowing your radiant real self.
  • Connecting with like hearted women and enjoying the beauty of life together
  • Opening to sensuality with nourishing of body and soul  
  • A nourishing connection with Nature
  • Express your heartfelt creativity in a safe, loving space

Now it is time for you to return
to yourself.
To your sacred place
that still loves you,
that still knows you.

What Participants Say

What happens on Romana’s retreats? There are no prescriptions with her. She lives with her whole being the wisdom of her soul, and awakens mine. She dives in the science of the soul—grounding divinity into real life through feeling.

> Read more

You come to a point in your life when, after a long time of exploring different spiritual practices, you realize that all you need is a very good contact with your authentic nature and the depth of your own soul.

My soul sings when it is in the presence of Romana. She lives with her whole being the wisdom of her soul and awakens mine. She spreads the awareness that we are so much more.

There are no prescriptions with her. What happens at her retreats? We learn to nurture our own soul. Romana dives in the science of the soul—grounding divinity into real life through feeling. There is no esotericism here. There is a pure union of body, mind and divine.

Špela Sečnik

The week at Dragonja river was one of the most beautiful of my life, and certainly the most magical and transformative ... Romana's subtle guidance, openness and acceptance allowed all of us to be both free and safe ...

> Read more

I experienced the knowledge I knew from before in reality, in practice, tasting, living, seeing ...

Romana's subtle guidance, openness and acceptance allowed each of us to be both free and safe, and our diversity enriched the whole experience and allowed for an interweaving of mutual balances. ...

The days by the Dragonja river were one of the most profound experiences of my life so far.


It was powerful, I went through my big fears, I freed them. It was like penetrating through a membrane and getting in touch with my real self. It felt like I had finally got the important piece of the puzzle I had been searching for for ages.

I had a feeling like being born again. I was full of joy and lightness.


It was a journey into silence, full of tenderness, grace, gratitude, self-examination and love. A journey into deeper contact with the original self and the limitless consciousness ... Feeling the gifts of nature was so intense that all my senses sharpened.

Mojca Š.

Everything that happened was beyond my expectations and went to the depths of my soul. Pure perfection, which is only possible in cooperation with higher purposes, with the Universe. It was felt how nature and the whole universe supports the wonderful intention with which Romana designed the retreat.


Practical Details

About the retreat in Greece:
We will spend 5 days (5 nights) in a beautiful, secluded luxury villa on Mykonos.

Starting Monday afternoon on 20th of May, ending on Saturday, 25th of May.

About the online sessions:
Before our gathering on Mykonos we will have two online sessions to prepare the energies and open up to the experiences waiting for us. 

After the retreat we will also have two online sessions to help integrate the energies, gifts and consciousness of the retreat into your daily life.

Early Bird: €2900  (Through March 31)
Regular price: €3300

Price is based on a shared room with a single queen size bed. Room and bed are shared with one other retreat participant. Price is for one person.

There are two single rooms with sea view available, but they must be requested early. Additional fee for a single room: €650

What is included in the price:

  • 6 Days retreat in beautiful luxury villa
  • 5 nights sleeping in the villa 
  • Breakfast and delicious vegetarian lunch every day
  • Dinners (except two evenings)
  • 4 Online sessions: 2 before and 2 after the retreat
  • Sacred pilgrimage to the island of Delos (all costs included: taxi, boat, ticket to archeological site)

What is NOT included:

  • Plane ticket to Mykonos and transportation to the villa. Shuttle service from the airport or port of Mykonos can be arranged upon request.
  • Two dinners (on day 3 and 4). These evenings will be free for you to enjoy a meal in a local restaurant, or have a peaceful time in the villa and prepare your own food.
  • Health and travel insurance, personal expenses; Taxi fees, if you like to explore the island in your free time.

The retreat is limited to 10 participants.
We will have the whole villa for ourselves.

If you have any questions, please write to Aniya Romana: romana.ercegovic@gmail.com

About Aniya Romana

Aniya Romana Ercegović, PhD., 

is a mystic, writer and poet (wrote six books and many theater scripts), inventor of her own soulful feminine way of ritual theater Sacred Theater Soul of the Earth, co-founder and director of Divine Joy Theater, a mother, author of stories for children and poetical meditations...

She has been passionate in coming home to her soul, exploring her own (un)consciousness, liberating her painful past, discovering her own inner feminine and wisdom of ancient cultures for twenty-five years. Her doctoral research on ancient legacy of feminine wisdom resulted as a book Sacred Theater: From the mysteries of matriarchal Europe to the awakening of sacredness in the theater of our time. 

She loves to create openings to heartfelt perception of beauty, magic, pure joy of life; the balance of the feminine and the masculine, as well as the connection to Nature. She travels a lot and lives with her husband John McCurdy and son Lan in Slovenia.

> Mora about Aniya Romana - Personal Website 

Here you can listen some of her audio Inner experiences and poetical meditations: 
> From Priestesses to Sovereign Masters of Love
> The Grace of Love: Sensual Experience with Mary Magdalene

Hi, I'm Leony

I love the Greece islands. They've been a magical place for me for many lifetimes. And it's the perfect place to reconnect with divine feminine energies!

I've been to Aniya's retreats multiple times. Because I love the safe and open space that she so easily creates, and her very natural way of flowing with energies. It's so easy to feel comfortable with her. And I love sharing such joy filled and magical days together with other women.

So when Aniya Romana asked me to be a part of this event, my heart immediately started singing! 

I am deeply passionate about allowing our true divine nature in our body, into our lives. To no longer feel small or limited, especially as a women. To embrace a passionate, free-flowing life. And it is an absolute honor and joy to help facilitate a retreat where we can experience this together. ❤️

You are back

Your sacred land is still alive.
It knows you.
It was waiting for you.
You from another time, another dimension,
was waiting from you to come back.

Your Divinity flows back to you,
light fills your body.

The light that you thought was lost for you.
That those who took it away
had power over you.
But they don’t anymore.
Because you know the truth now:
your Divinity is yours
and it belongs to you.

Nobody’s chain or spell can take it away anymore.
Because now you know.
Now you have a key.
Your key is knowingness
that your divinity is yours alone,
nobody can keep your existence away from you.
You are your divinity.

You have the right to take it,
to receive it back.
The sacred land
has stored your memories,
your sacred knowledge,
your divine light.

Just open up and receive what is yours.
Let the flow of light pour into you.
Open your heart.
Open your belly.
Open your womb.

You are finally here.
Free of fear.
Free of manipulation.
Free of belief that you need to allow to be manipulated
or to manipulate in order to survive.
Power is an illusion.

You are back to you.
Free to receive all abundance that is yours.
Welcoming all parts of you to come home,
to your soul’s loving embrace.

Anger is necessary, it’s human,
but understanding of your heart is a key to forgiveness and true freedom.

Nothing and nobody can harm you.
You are in your own safe and sacred space now,
prepared for new life,
prepared to learn how to live life beyond power,
life with your soul,
with your divinity.

With your simple amazingly beautiful you,
divine you.

© Divine Feminine Masters 2024